While travelling we often forget to keep essential stuff that may be very very important while you fly. They ought to be in your carry-on bag only & here are things that carry with us:

1. Passport & Boarding pass– You can’t get anywhere without these 2 important things & you would not like to go back home just to get the passport. We also make sure that they are kept in a way that they can be easily found (if asked at airports or any other place), is safe & secure all the time.

2. Wallet– We carry some local currencies & credit/debit card with us all the time. It is important that we do not run out of money at any moment during our trip. We carry Transferwise card as it provides very reasonable real-time exchange rates & is acceptable almost everywhere.


3. Charging cable, portable chargers & converters/adapters– Charging cable helps to charge our phones & other electronic gadgets whenever we want. It is really important to have electronic gadgets working all the time. These days charging points are mostly available on airports as well as in aircraft but we always prefer to carry portable chargers (remember they are not allowed in check-in bag). For converters, we use an International converter as the same adapter can be used across the World.


4. A change of clothes– It is always advised to carry a change of clothes in case your flight get delayed or your airline loses your luggage (pretty common!). We would also carry comfortable pyjamas on a long haul flight (Comfort is important after all).

5. Water Bottle– We keep water bottles & fill them once the security check is done. Most airports have a water fountain from where we refill it. Since the aircraft recycles the cabin air over and over again, it becomes dry & hence necessary to stay hydrated. Filled bottles are not allowed via the security check, hence we carry an empty one along.

6. Hairbrush/comb, moisturizer & other toiletries- Toothpaste, toothbrush, moisturizer, comb, face wash, etc. are things that we ought to carry with ourselves. It happens that we want to freshen up yourself before landing or mid-flight. We make sure that every liquid item that we carry is in a container that clearly mentions the container size (100 ml or less is only allowed). Remember, Security personnel have the rights to reject any container that doesn’t clearly mention size.

7. Snacks- We always carry easy to eat & lightweight snacks in our carry-on. Apple, nuts, almonds, dates, energy bars and similar snacks help us fulfil our crave on a long haul flight & also ensures that we eat healthy while travelling. Not every time the food provided by airlines are appreciated.

8. Prescription Medicines- Regular medicines, pain killers and any other medication that we might require while travelling. We carry them only as much as you required and not in bulk to avoid carrying unnecessary stuff.

9. Warm clothes- Temperature fluctuates in flight and at airports continuously, so we carry warm clothes with us. Based on the weather outside- Stoles, sweatshirt or jacket is something that we would not miss to keep with us.

10. Pen & diary- For filling out forms at customs or immigration, we always carry a pen(s). Also, while in the air it is the best time to plan our trip or bring out your creative side, so carrying a diary is a good idea.